It’s an unfortunate reality that ‘locksmith’ isn’t a protected title in Australia or New Zealand, and there are plenty of scammers and unqualified handymen out there who call themselves a locksmith.
A quick search online will show that what these bad operators save on training, licencing and insurance, they spend on Google advertising. And it works – nearly everyone in the industry has been called out by some hoodwinked customer to fix the poor work of a scammer.
So how do you stand out from all the chaff as a quality service provider? You do it by becoming a Master Locksmith.
Members of the Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia (MLAA) are the most reliable, most qualified, safest option for locksmithing and security work in Australia and New Zealand. Our members are required to:
Employ trade-qualified locksmiths.
Pass police checks.
Hold all relevant security licences and registrations.
Be fully insured.
Be registered with ASIC (Australia) or NZCO (New Zealand).
Abide by the MLAA’s strict Code of Ethics.
The MLAA checks the currency of these requirements for all its members each year. We take breaches of the Code of Ethics seriously, and formally investigate all complaints with strict disciplinary action for violations.
Showing customers your Master Locksmith member credentials gives them confidence that you provide a high-quality service, upheld by the locksmith industry’s peak body in Australia and New Zealand.
Your industry association promotes Master Locksmiths to the general public as well as the building and construction sector, ensuring the value of a Master Locksmith is understood and sought after, and supporting you to win new customers.
To help customers find Master Locksmiths, the MLAA actively advertises its Find a Master Locksmith search tool, which receives more than 1500 visits every month. The tool allows customers to search for nearby Master Locksmiths Business Members, who are listed with a custom profile and contact details.
If you’re already a Master Locksmiths member, make sure to prominently display your membership credentials so prospective customers know they’re dealing with a highly-skilled, trade-qualified professional. Get in touch with the MLAA head office for support with member logos and branding.
If you’re not a Master Locksmith, now’s the time. As a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive products, business support, industry events, advice and much more.
But most importantly, you’ll set yourself apart from the scammers and handymen, and give your customers confidence. Because you won’t just be a locksmith, you’ll be Master Locksmith.